
Xenowerk Tactics update out now! (updated)

We’ve just released a larger update for Xenowerk Tactics!

TWO NEW SKILLS: The scientist and ranger classes both receive an additional level 1 skill. Gun Turret and Flare Shot, respectively. This adds more player choice on earlier combat scenarios and some well-needed extra power for the new Hard Mode.

EXPLORATION MODE: This mode lets you continue a campaign after the story has concluded. It will also be possible to convert any previously ended campaign into this mode. Everything, but the Ambrosia mission threads, is playable, endlessly…

HARD MODE: There’s an easy way to implement a hard mode, just increase damage numbers and decrease health numbers. That’s boring, so we did it the hard way. The mutant horde has now become more deadly and gained various powers, such as Pyrokinesis, Radioactive Blood, Stalking, Teleportation, adding a new dimension to the tactical challenge. Prepare to go MIA!

On a more serious note, this mode is recommended for more experienced players who want some additional challenge. It is designed to be harder, but hopefully, in a fair and interesting way.


  • Scout mutants now enrage nearby mutants.
  • Flying mutants in the mountain biome now cause damage and slow down on death.
  • Mutant projectiles now leave a radioactive residue on impact.
  • Clearer healing/regeneration indicator on mutants.
  • Hardshell mutants are now immune to stun effects.
  • Enemy health bars shown on tactical pause.
  • Graphics detail options added. (iOS)
  • AI path-finding optimized and improved.
  • All mails related to Command Center upgrades high-lighted.
  • Many tweaks and bug fixes.
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Xenowerk Tactics first week roundup

It’s been a very busy week here at Pixelbite. First we want to give a big thanks to everyone who has supported us and bought Xenowerk Tactics! It is tough times out there for premium games and we couldn’t do this without you.

We have gotten loads of feedback from you and the most requested feature so far is a higher difficulty mode. That and few other things are being looked at for upcoming updates.

Our friends over at Localize Direct put together an interview piece about us and translations. Check it out: https://www.localizedirect.com/posts/pixelbite-games-interview-localization-qa

And yes, we have begun working on the next Space Marshals game. 🙂

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Xenowerk Tactics sneak peek

It’s well about time we tell you guys what we’ve been up to. We are excited to tell you that our next game, coming this year, will be Xenowerk Tactics. A pre-apocalyptic RTS-like, mutant blasting game with exploration and strategy elements. In this game you’ll manage and evolve your base camp and a crew of various operatives (Marines, Rangers and Scientists). You send squads into the infected zone and do various missions, either to profit yourself or maybe to try to save the world. Or a little of both.

It is coming for iOS and Android and will be a premium game experience.

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Work in progress

We get asked a specific question a lot recently and the answer is: No, we haven’t been abducted or been slacking off… 🙂 We’re hard at work and very focused on our next project! It isn’t going to be Space Marshals 3. (That is going to happen, but just not yet!) At the moment we’re working on something new and different that should hit the stores in the second half of 2018. Hopefully we can release more information in a while.

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Space Marshals 2 – Thanks and Ava Bonus mission progress (UPDATED)

Thank you for all the awesome feedback and support you have given us!

There’s one more bonus mission coming for the Ava mission pack and it’s about 80% complete. Right now the biggest job left is to test, tweak, polish and translate. If all goes according to plan it could hit the stores next week.

We’re holding off until then with all the minor bug fixes as well. Don’t want to spam you with too many updates.

—- [Update 2017-12-08] —-

The update will start rolling out today!
The iOS version has passed iTunes review and should go live any second now.
The Android version will go live this evening (Central European Time).
The Apply TV version is waiting for review, but hopefully should go live tonight (Central European Time).

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Space Marshals 2 – Ava Mission Pack Released

We’re proud to announce that the Ava Mission Pack ($2.99) has just been released for Space Marshals 2!

It is available on the AppStore (iOS and Apple TV) and Google Play (open beta).
Space Marshals 2 on the AppStore
Space Marshals 2 on the Google Play (open beta)

Ava’s storyline complements and infuses the main story with a little more intrigue in 10 new missions.

Ava has a different and unique playstyle that is more focused on crowd control and trickery. Her arsenal includes the modifiable Riot Gun and Drone. The Riot Gun is a “non-lethal” weapon that knocks her opponents around. It can be modified to add different effects, such as electric shock or fiery infernos. The Drone is remote controlled and, by default, is used to remote access terminals and distract enemies, but it can be equipped with guns and grenades instead.

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SNEAK PEEK: Space Marshals 2 – Ava Mission Pack

Here’s a little sneak peek on what we are working on at the moment. Hope you like it!

The Ava Mission Pack ($2.99) is coming soon in an update to Space Marshals 2 and will include 10 new missions and loads of new functionality. Ava has quite a different and unique playstyle that is more focused on crowd control and trickery.

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Reckless Getaway 2 out now!


“Suspect last seen in a beige golf cart heading down 22nd street. Yes, seriously…”

It ain’t no cakewalk topping the most-wanted list. It takes hard work and a sweet ride…

Dodge the heat and don’t get dead!


  • Free-roaming levels
  • Loads of epic cars to unlock
  • Simple controls
  • Pretty awesome graphics and physics
  • Gamepad support
  • Cloud save game support
  • English, Deutsch, Français, Español, Italiano, 简体中文, 한국어, 日本語, 繁体中文, русский, Português do Brasil

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Hanged man’s hill – COR-V token

The feedback on locating one of the COR-V Tokens in Hanged man’s hill has been massive. It’s intentionally placed in an area that should be tricky to find.

Since so many of you are struggling and really putting a lot of effort gathering all tokens we shall not let you wait any longer.

There are two ways of how to hunt down this token. This is one way to go…


  • When entering the mission head as far right as possible. In the area shown in the above screenshot an explosive pickup can be found. Pick this up and head west.


  • Enter a hidden pathway located in the middle of the mission. Next to the bridge shown in the screenshot. Continue west.


  • Go as far west until this area is reached. Enter the building that’s been pointed at in the screenshot.


  • When the building’s been entered the area should look as the above screenshot. With two red lasers on the left and a locked entrance on the right (Burt Wise).
  • Use the explosive you picked up earlier and detonate the blocked entrance.
  • Enter and you should find the COR-V token you’ve been looking for.

If any of the description sounds confusing the mini-map in the screenshots can give you a heads up on where to go.

Good luck on your Token hunt!

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