Archives for 16 Jan,2013

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Android progress

Even though the focus lately has been on the iOS launch, our work on the Android version of Repulze still proceeds. Our plan is to release Repulze on Google Play shortly after Phase Two hits iOS, making February not a promise, but a pretty good bet. And if everything goes according to plan (and doesn’t it always?), the Android version will contain Phase Two from the start, closing the gap between the two platforms.

The status on the Android version so far is very good! The Android-inclined half of the office is always eager to lend their devices every time a new version is built, and currently the game runs well on Nexus 4, One X and Galaxy S3, albeit with some graphical issues. There’s a lot of work and optimizations left to do, so we’re still not sure which devices we ultimately will support. But we will keep you updated along the way!

Repulze on an HTC One-X

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