
SM3 Chapter 2 – WIP

SM3 Chapter 2 – WIP

We’re making steady progress on chapter 2, adding new environments, enemies, weapons and all that good stuff.

It’s still difficult to predict an exact release date yet. Everything takes a little longer these days… Without promising anything, we are really hoping to release it Q1 2021.


  1. Boris

    Wow!This British style car, street lamps and brick are delicate! Will James Bond appear?

  2. Taylor LeCroy

    Awesome! Space Marshals are the best games I’ve everyone played on iphone. It blows my mind they aren’t more popular. Thanks for making them, you all rock!

  3. Ngurah subagiarta

    Wow.. space marshals come to earth? This location looks great. Well i hope you guys add some all new weapons in this chapter and remove the most least used ones.

  4. Jill

    Looks absolutely awesome. This game will probably make me buy a new ipad so that I can play on bigger screen 🙂 Super excited, keep up the great work 🙂

  5. hans1002

    Yes with molotov cocktail. I look forward to the next chapter.

  6. Zz_Tieba

    Nice! Light & shadow looks perfect. Can’t wait for release

  7. Markus

    Can’t wait to play this on the iPhone SE!

  8. Markus

    Are you all taking beta testers?

  9. José Firmino

    Uau perfeitamente!!!
    Tô ansioso que data 2 missões!!
    Estou esperando muito que paciência…

  10. Fred

    Hey! Love your stuff! One great part of the game is replaying levels to win gear or challenge yourself with different weapon combos. Please construct the levels so players can “cut to the chase” when replaying levels. Looking at you Hangman’s Holler…:)) love what you guys do!

  11. Zz-from Tieba

    Hi guys, when will we release the 2 chapter? Can’t wait anymore!

  12. lyz

    why i can not find reckless racing on iPhone platform

  13. Zz-from Tieba

    Happy Chinese New Year!

  14. Eric

    Space Marshals is truly a quality game. I too don’t know why it’s not more popular. I’m stoked you’re continuing to release new chapters! Keep it up, guys!!

  15. Ostrich

    Great to see some new environments and the progress. I have many playthroughs of all the SM series, and one thing i loved about the SM franchise is they add to the previous instalment (silent takedowns, Ava missions etc). Really hoping to see some new mechanics into chapters 2&3 like newer/differing environments (1920’s earth looks great, how about snow planet, sand planet, jungle planet, animal planet etc) and controls (perhaps driveable/moveable machines like space craft, cars, gecko, forklifts etc).

  16. Jan

    Finally finished chapter 1 – really great game. I loved SM1 but with each instalment you improve the basic formula. Enjoyed every mission, now i need to go back and improve my grades 🙂 I’d just put the bazaar in the camp – like in SM2 and add some useful weapons / armor, the selection currently is not that great and nothing convinced me to spend my hard earned coins 🙂

    Can’t wait for chapter 2.

  17. wak

    where is chapter2
    i want to play