
Tales from the inside

Mastering the Drift mode!

The Drift mode

The Drift mode in Reckless Racing is a little different from the regular race modes. This is a short primer to introduce you to the new mechanics and get you drifting like a pro. Soon you’ll realize that racing is a lot more fun while sideways and really not all that difficult. After all, you only need to turn a little harder in a corner to start drifting. Then it’s all about balancing the slide with the steering to stay on the road.

Take a look at our video tutorial below, or continue reading this post.


The cars

Kazen 86 and Super XR are the two drift kitted cars in Reckless Racing. It’s highly recommended you upgrade them to fit your drifting style:

  • Focus on upgrading handling over power for an easier controlled car.
  • More power and less handling mean more aggressive drifting which can yield more points but is also more difficult – and, some would say, more fun!

The Drift rules

Fast lap times are not your concern while drifting; drift mode is all about earning drift points! As soon as you start going sideways the drift score counter appears above your car and starts ticking. The better and longer your drift is the faster the points tick in. The quality of your drift is determined by the following:

  • Duration
  • Angle
  • Speed

Duration is by far the most important factor. Aim to keep your drift going for as long as possible, by any means necessary. Taking the long way around the track is usually better than going for the apex in every corner. A good drifter can even sustain a single, continuous drift over a whole lap. This is done by linking drifts together, meaning that if you start a new drift immediately after another one ended, they will count as one. This is key to truly dominate the leaderboards and a pro drifter always plans one corner ahead in order to set up a chain.

Score and bonus

Regardless of how your drift ends (even by crashing), you will always receive the current points from the drift score counter. But if you end the drift in a controlled manner, by straightening out your car, you’ll get double (2X) the current points.

Advanced techniques

  • If you let go of the accelerator your car will slide more sideways instead of pulling forward. This is good if you turned too early and think you are going to hit the inside barrier.
  • Learn the minimum angle required for drifting to keep a drift going through the more straight parts of the track.
  • Different routes might need different car setups. More twisted and bendy tracks generally benefits from more traction.
  • Use the whole road. Sticking to the outer edge of corners may give you enough room to extend a drift until the next corner.
  • The better your current drift is, the more time you have to start a new one for a successful chain. Very short drifts can’t be chained.

The Drift mode is available in Reckless Racing 2 for iOS, and Reckless Racing Ultimate for Win8. Android version is coming later.

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Drift away

Something very common among many game developers today is DLC’s and title updates for their games. The idea is to add content to an already existing game to make the lifetime longer and/or improve the game. We’re no different than other game developers in that sense, and want to expand Reckless Racing 2 with new content based on what our fans want to see. For Reckless Racing 2 we have been working on a new race mode that really feels like a perfect match; Drift. But adding something new like this is rarely as easy as it seems! [···]

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Pixelbite to Nordic Game!

This year we will have two representatives at Nordic Game in Malmö 24-25 of May. We won’t be there as exhibitors but we will have Joakim Feldt, artist and Kasper Iversen, associate producer present. They will mingle, network and listen to sessions during the days. So if you’re there and would like to talk to us, try to look them up!


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What's new? Reckless Racing 2 of course!

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Games and coffee

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Coffee makes your mind and reflexes faster, which is beneficial both when playing games, and making games. After all, everyone knows there’s no real difference between making games and playing games. Jedi reflexes during the development means the game gets done quicker, which is good news for you since you can enjoy a cup of coffee to our game sooner. And a cookie!

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